Export USA
Export USA New York, Corp. is a corporation engaged in the internationalization of Italian enterprises specialized on the US market.
We occupy ourselves with export consultation with headquarters in New York - United States and offices in Italy, ad Rimini, in order to support Italian enterprises on-site, too.
Our consulting corporation offers all type of services Italian enterprises may need to operate in the United States: from foundation, over logistics, accounting, legal and tax consultancy, to iteration to get the correct work permit and to guaranty of compliance to standards when importing food into the States.
Interacting with only one partner, able to organize everything you may need on the American market, you will save time, avoid errors and most important avoid coordinating different suppliers.
All your work and projects will be executed by our staff: we are no "group of associated professionals" who switch each time in an uncoordinated and accidental manner.
Every project is handled by the personnel of ExportUSA according to clear rules and implemented routines, tested and improved in time. It is always the same experienced personnel, working on a constant base on United States export and sales issues. From an organizational point of view, ExportUSA personnel is coordinated centrally, in order to use run-in procedures able to guarantee constant and high-leveled results. Proper offices in the United States and properly employed personnel assure the seriousness and effort of ExportUsa in working in the United States, our SOLE reference market.
Address of our office in Rimini:
Export USA New York, Corp.
Corso D'Augusto, 136 - 47921; Rimini [RN] ;
tel: (+39) 0541-709073