ZIP codes for Romania
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- 2. Print transport document
- 3. Pick up by the courier!
Postal Codes of Romania
In the 1947, in Romania, there were entered the postal codes. Initially, the zip codes were made of four digits.
The Romanian postal system
On 1st May of 2003, there will be insert new postal codes consisting in 6 numeric characters. The new postal codes offer a detailed description of a parcel delivery, up to define the way of delivery. The first character of the postal code goes from 0 to 9 and refers to one of the nine regions in which Romania is divided. The second number, which ranges from 0 to 5, represents the locations belonging to a region. In the case of the capital Bucharest, the second digit goes from 1 to 6, while the numbers such as 7 and 8 refer to the locations of Giurgiu and Ilfov. The last four digits represent the head of the province, cities and countries (with the clarification of the fractions), the streets, parts of streets and buildings. One of the reasons for which it was made such a complex coding was that of eliminate the existing confusion ( for example there are villages with the same name that can exist in 7 different cities)
Example of a Romanian address:
Emilia Popescu
Strada 1 Decembrie 1918 nr. 4, bloc LV 43, scara B, ap. 25
620118, judet Vrancea, Focsani localitatea
Did you know that in 1961, the researcher Nicolae Vlassa found in Tartaria, Alba, three clay tablets. Two of these are full of holes and covered with signs, and the third one is completely covered of drawings of which one is understood to represent an animal. It is assumed the writings belong to the strain of the archaic Greek inscriptions. Although it is not mentioned very often, this discovery seems to point to one of the oldest forms of writing in the world along with the written Sumerian origin.
Sending parcels to Romania
On this page you will find not only the right ZIP code for Romania, but also the way to send directly your parcel or pallet to Romania. Just go on, fill out the form found and the next day or on another day chosen by you, the parcel will be withdrawn directly from your home.
Choose to entrust your shipments to Fill out the online form, pay and confirm your order. Easy, fast, cheap!