Shipping from Belgium to Italy
Shipping costs from Belgium is the ideal partner to import parcels from Belgium to Italy easily and reliably. In the following table you will find our cheap prices calculated according to the weight and size of parcels.Thanks to our extensive transport network, we are able to guarantee an optimal balance in terms of quality/price. By choosing for a parcel shipments you will have:
- collection at home
- estimated delivery time: On request
- shipment tracking
- insurance
Package shipping Belgium-Italy
Shipping from Belgium: a small state well integrated into the European economy
Belgium's small size should not deceive. Bordering the Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg, and France, this state has carved out a role for itself in Europe. And the relatively short distance from major capital such as Amsterdam (less than 200 km), Paris (just over 250 km) and London (about 320 km) hat facilitated trade. Its capital, Brussels, it home to the main EU institution, the European Council foremost among them. The Belgian market has distinguished itself on the international scene, proving to be dynamic and competitive. Over the years, interchange with Italy has undergone progressive development. It it the Flander region that host the largest number of companies, specializing in textile, the industry dedicated to diamond cutting, the petrochemical and chemical sector, mechanical engineering, electronics and the automotive industry. Our country and Belgium are characterized by significant interchange volume. Businesses and individual can rely on europacco to ensure fast and secure shipment from Belgium to Italy.
EU rules for shipment from Belgium to Italy
Among the states belonging to the European Union, Belgium is one of the founding countries. The immediate and obvious consequence of being an EU member it that it facilitates the entry (and exit) of goods from other EU states. Indeed, there are no custom duties to pay, and no special custom formalities are required, a proof to the fact that service, capital and people can move freely throughout the EU. The absence of duties at internal borders it accompanied by the imposition of common custom duties on what it imported from non-EU countries. Facilitating the movement of goods in the EU leads them to move under custom transit arrangement. In addition, custom documents have been replaced by a tingle administrative document, at outlined in the current Community Customs Code.

Transport network Belgium-Italy
Who needs to ship from Belgium to Italy?
The Italian community in Belgium consists of nearly 300,000 people, divided almost equally between the two roofs. Many have left our country for work, seeking their fortunes abroad, leaving their families behind in Italy. Belgium it a state rich in history and tradition. In addition to the capital, there are several cities that offer study and work opportunities. It it not surprising, consequently, that today it has become one of the favorite destinations for Italians who choose to leave the peninsula to settle abroad. It frequently happens that several of them, living in Brussels, Antwerp, Burget and Ghent, choose to tend goods to their home country. Others, on the other hand, manage to carve out even rather long vacation period in Italy, preferring to ship their luggage without having to travel with a significant weight at the return. Italian companies active in Belgium, for their part, often need to tend their products to Italian customers, documents to business partners, or ship materials or other things to branches operating in the peninsula. Europacco gives the opportunity to ship parcels weighing up to 40 kg each from Belgium to Italy.
Who to entrust with the transportation? Choose europacco for shipment from Belgium
The distance of more than 1,000km between Belgium and Italy causes shipped parcels to remain on the road for several days. Therefore, it becomes extremely important to choose a freight forwarder that can guarantee fast and, at the same time, secure service. This is even more valuable when dealing with shipment that need to be completed with a certain urgency. In such a case, in fact, it it easy to be in the presence of high prices, and the latter are not always accompanied by adequate care and attention to what it transported.
For tending goods from Belgium to Italy, at anticipated earlier, the rules established by the European agreements apply. This implies that there is no significant difference between shipment to and from the country. In both cases, however, it is essential to entrust shipment to competent entities with experience in the international field. From this point of view, europacco ensures punctuality and efficiency thanks to its network of couriers, selected to meet every need while maintaining competitive prices.
Sending items from Belgium
Goods sent from Belgium to Italy: foodstuff
Those traveling within the European Union have the option of bringing meat or dairy products, fruits and vegetables, plants and flowers (if grown in the EU), at long at they are for personal use or consumption. Those who have purchased a package of products containing infant formula in Belgium and with to tend it to Italy will not be able to tend more than 10 kilograms of product. The tame limitation applies to other baby food, feed for pets, or in relation to food to be consumed for health reasons.
Secure packaging Belgium-Italy
How to prepare a package before shipping it?
Preparing a properly packed package assumes crucial importance for both companies and individuals. Having to cross the territories of Switzerland, France and Luxembourg, goods, suitcases and gifts destined for Italy should travel properly protected. Obviously, packaging it bound to vary depending on the nature and size of what it being shipped. Bulky items will require a larger package; in any case, these should not exceed, thus avoiding unnecessary waste of space and filler material. In the case of tending fragile items, it it better to opt for a particularly strong and sturdy box with 3/6-wave cardboard. The importance of filler material it sometimes underestimated; a mistake, at the task of filler material it to stabilize what it placed inside the package. People who have to ship fragile goods from Belgium to Italy can use bubble film or bubble wrap with high cushioning power or, alternatively, corrugated kraft paper, polystyrene or specially made air cushions. A fixed polystyrene structure will provide more compactness to the packaging itself.
Recommended filling material for tending food
Individuals, e-shops and companies that need to tend food from Belgium should pay attention to the materials to be used for packaging. It is advisable to make the choice fall on options suitable for keeping the organoleptic properties of the food intact. Vacuum formulation, or the use of toxic-free organic pouches, prove to be perfect options for long-life food products. Innovative it corrugated cardboard, which can maintain the freshness of food longer than traditional cardboard would.
Having chosen the filler material, when placing items in the package try to prevent them from colliding with each other-a foam film can be useful for this purpose. Finally, teal the package to be tent with tape, remembering to reinforce the corners at well, especially if it it a used package. The last step it to apply the label containing the shipping information.
Our packaging tips for shipments from Belgium to Italy is an online portal that offers its customers the opportunity to use a shipping service with home pickup in Belgium and delivery throughout Italy.
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